Saturday, December 31, 2011

I hope this finds each of you centered in your present moment. If not, take a deep breath, yes, right now, ~breathe in~  ~breathe out~ one more time, ~breathe in~  ~breathe out~. Welcome to the present moment.

Today's Winds of Change time began while I was talking on the phone with my mom. I was reading her the latest essay by Minimalists Josh and Ryan, The Difference a Year Can Make, which I sent to those of you on the e-mail list. My mom and I have shared our progressive steps in the evolution of consciousness for over 40 years. She is my mentor, my confidant, my mother and my friend, so it seemed appropriate that I would begin my year's end Winds of Change time with her.

After hanging up the phone, I surprisingly lingered on the Internet, re-reading the essay above, then clicking on an essay my elder sister Anne had sent me Change is Easy?!!!! about the impact a small number of people can have on a global scale. This, too, seemed to fit right in with Winds of Change and our commitment to set aside shared time in our individual lives to consciously connect.

I tuned into a beautiful song Devi Prayer - Hymn to the Divine Mother, invoking the presence of the Divine Feminine, as I mindfully walked through the rooms of the house, aware of the "presents" of each of you, lighting candles, then returning to the living room to light a stick of Devotion incense.

I've compiled a number of Tom Kenyon's sound healing songs in varying combinations which I use in meditation. As I lie down to meditate, covering my body with a beautiful gold, sea green and white shawl gifted me by my former husband Don, I listened to several chakra attunements and energy meditations to enhance my connection to higher states of consciousness and Mother Earth. 

Envisioning our combined energies as a web of light, I was able to slip into the between space of the tones that were vibrating through me, experiencing total serenity for several moments at a time as tears flowed and ebbed. As I opened my eyes out of the meditation, I gazed at the white ceiling above and through the windows to the white cloud cover and white birch trees. What I experienced in the whiteness was an expansion of my meditation to the real world, seeing with real-eyes, real-eyesing the Unity of all things. This sense stayed with me for several moments, before I rose from the floor and continued on with my day.

I would love to hear of your experiences as well, to share here on the blog, or via e-mail. Please let me know if it is all right to publicly post your response here. Namaste.


  1. My Winds of Change experience...

    I sat on my cushion to greet you all and set my intention that this Wind would focus on healing a body that has been ill for nigh on four weeks now. Though I no longer feel sick, I also do not yet feel well. Remembering our talk last night, Claire, I decided to be true to the adage, "Take care of your body first." I moved to my mat and did some gentle stretches, and then began my PT exercises~~sorely neglected this past month. After drinking and refilling a mug of water and hugging my husband, I lay on our futon (thanks, Martha!) which was still pulled out into a comfy bed with the crimson flannel sheets our visiting friend slept on earlier in the week. My laptop rested with me on the bed and played a compilation of Tom Kenyon healing music. Sometimes I did Reiki on myself, particularly on the right side of my head where a headache comes and goes. Other times I simply envisioned breathing Light into my body~~through my nose into nasal passages and lungs still weary and inflamed from coughing and sneezing and blowing, through the pores of my skin deep into cell tissue. Whenever my mind wandered, which was often, I brought it back, aided by the morning sunlight streaming through the eastern window and warming my face. Easy to envision Light when sunlight touches the face.

    There is a point during Kenyon's Crystal Palace segment where sending loving energy to the Earth is suggested. I recognized that that is what this body of mine truly is, a piece of earth formed to house a spirit, clay gathered together as a human body. So I did not send our big, beautiful Earth energy from a vantage point in deep space. No. I sent love to this body, truly my own little piece of Earth, grateful for and supportive of its hard work in returning to health.

    As WoC came to a close, I sat again on my cushion to connect once more with you all and say a grateful goodbye.

    My body was not cured by this experience, but healing did come my way. I'm reminded of something a priest friend said to me a few years back~~that folks get hung up on what they believe their healing oughta look like. When they pray for healing from cancer, for example, they know that complete remission should be the outcome. Perhaps this is what they get, perhaps not. As most folks who consciously approach a serious illness find, though, is that healing happens, no matter the form it takes. To open to that~~and not get too whiny if it doesn't look as we'd hope~~is the trick.

    So, I will carry my WoC experience into my day. When I feel grumpy or weary about how these little germies are lingering, I will decide to open to Light instead. I will remind myself that "healing happens," and try to not get picky about the form it takes. And I will practice gratitude for the many parts of mind/body/spirit that are not ill. Wish me luck!

    Love and blessings on our next year!

  2. So happy you took the WoC time as healing time - truly "harnessing" those winds!

    It is indeed easy to envision Light with sunlight kissing your face - I have experienced that wonder-full feeling!

    I love your description of your body as "a piece of earth formed to house a spirit, clay gathered together as s human body." Such poetry, Loanne! And your book would be coming out when?

    May you continue to bask in the Light of who you are. Healing energies sent your way. Thank you for sharing your experience!

    Love and Light.

  3. I send energy to a friend daily at 10A. So, it is easy to add a bit.

    On this day, I read from Claire's beautiful gift, as I often do, "uncivilized ecstacies" by happy oasis.

    Here is one rendering...

    breathing midstream
    appeared this dream
    a fancy, a realization:
    i'd like to be famous
    not crowd-stage famous
    but famous with my relations
    i'd like to be famous with all i meet
    and all to be famous with me
    this fame feels more like affection
    honor fondness affinity
    imagine the whole world
    famous together
    celebrating what's special
    what's same
    holding hearts dear
    while connecting
    this is the original fame

    ...I wish y'all more fame in 2012!!!!!!!!

  4. Thank you Bill for your comment. 'Sounds a bit like what the Winds of Change is about - "original fame ... holding hearts dear, while connecting." How beautiful.
